She is finally here!
We have been eagerly awaiting her arrival for a while. I had a doctor's appointment on Thursday, and the doctor said she was already probably close to 9 pounds and she thought the labor would be very fast (there was some worry about making it to the hospital in time since Grady's birth was so fast). So we went ahead and scheduled an eviction date for baby girl - March 11.
Matt's mom arrived on Wednesday and was a great help with Grady and with getting things organized for the big day. We had a few adventures together with Grady pre-arrival. We went to OMSI, Portland's science museum, which is Grady's default place to choose when we ask what he wants to do. We also got to see an early St. Patrick's Day parade through the neighborhood.
Grady's favorite part was probably a toss-up between the jolly rancher he got to devour and seeing the fire truck.
Oh, who am I kidding, it was the jolly rancher.
Grady also got lots of time at the playground and on his tricycle.
Then the big day arrived! Grandma stayed home with Grady while Matt and I headed over to the hospital around 7:30 AM.
Last hours of pregnancy! |
Pitocin was started to induce labor at 8:30 and my doctor came in to break my water at 9:30. I jokingly asked when she thought the baby would arrive, and she said 1 PM. People were primed for her to come.
Well, 1 came and went of course. While I was having contractions throughout, and not very pleasant ones, they just didn't seem to be progressing very much. The pitocin drip was finally increased around 2 (they had it at pretty much the lowest setting) and then things went into motion pretty quickly. Around 3:45 the contractions started getting very painful. After some ridiculously intense - but mercifully relatively short - pain from this posterior baby, she arrived at 4:16 PM. 22 inches, 8 pounds, 10 ounces.
Not pleased with the flash |
Although it was later than we thought it would be, we still really wanted Grady to meet little sister. So after a few hours, Matt left to pick up Grady and Grandma - and of course, the hot chocolate. Upon entering the room, Grady immediately zeroed in on Clara (still nameless at this point). He pointed at her and said "DAT" very solemnly, not moving his finger until we introduced him to his sister. Mollified, he demanded his hot chocolate ("Hot chocolate toDAY!"). The trip was brief, but went pretty well, although it was hard for both of us to say goodbye when it was time to go.
Hot chocolate when sister comes! |
The next day we tried to keep pretty normal for Grady, so he went to school like a normal day. When Matt asked Grady to tell Briana who he saw at the hospital, Grady enthusiastically replied "Garbage truck!" Hmmm.... Everyone came by the hospital again for dinner, which was just the biggest disaster ever. Food was everywhere, Grady was everywhere, juice was everywhere.... Lesson learned - there must be hot chocolate at every visit to the hospital.
Grady skipped school yesterday and he and Daddy came to pick me and Clara up at the hospital. This time, as documented below, he was fed a constant stream of hot chocolate, chocolate, and finally a luna bar. MUCH better.
Chocolate |
Heading home! Luna bar in hand. |
Grady has been cautious toward his sister, but has been slowly warming up. Yesterday he held her across his lap for the first time ("Nervous") and showed her a steamroller ("Steamroller sister!"). Today he rocked her a bit in her chair and gave her some gentle touches when she made some unhappy noises.
Clara is an easy baby so far, although definitely nocturnal. She is very content when held and will fall asleep almost immediately. When she is not held, she gets a bit more out of sorts. Her prime time is 11 PM - 2 AM, unfortunately, and we will have to work on moving that up. She is a good eater, makes funny faces, and is already very well-loved.
I'm doing well. It has been wonderful having Peggy here to help with Grady and with food and removing cat hair prior to Clara's arrival. Jeff just arrived yesterday and they will be staying until the end of the week. My parents come just after they leave. Then the real trouble begins!