When my brother and I were little, we used to get to have two Christmases. One on December 23rd at home, and then we would pack up for Connecticut to visit the McAllisters and get to repeat the process on December 25th. It was pretty great. Although we did have to wait not only until after dinner on the 23rd to open presents, but after Mom and Dad cleaned up the dishes too!
The tradition is continuing in the Wilkinson house, with the first Christmas being held at home in Portland and then the second Christmas with the Swap-Leonard-Restivo-Barton family in Tucson. Although we cut the kids a break and let them open presents immediately after breakfast. Kids and grownups alike were spoiled by books, legos, tea sets, stuffed animals, chocolate, clothes, and lots more.
pre-present love |
It's almost time! |
Getting into the presents |
What's better than one sock? |
Hidden observer |
Grady signed his own name, only needed help turning the B to a D |
After a whirlwind of playing, we were ready to head off to Tucson. We were a little worried about the flight because we opted not to pay for the seat for Clara (kids fly free until they're 2 if they sit on a lap). We lucked out though and got an empty seat next to Matt. It ended up being highly necessary, since Clara spent most of the second half of the flight running back and forth from my "lap" (such that it is) to the empty seat. All things considered though, both kids did great. Although we did make it through the snacks I packed for both for the flight there and back.
My parents had a full house this Christmas. The kids were entertained by Grandpa (Papa), Nana, Uncle Gavin, Uncle Cliff, Aunt Susana (plus soon-to-be-cousin), Aunt Michelle, and Cousin Sean. The kids took advantage of all assembled for story reading, lego assembling, hot tub playing, food serving, and so forth. Matt and I felt very fortunate to have so much family in one place. Here are some highlights. Most of the photos below are courtesy of my very talented sister in law, Susana.
All together! |
We had our fair share of amazing meals. Waffles, chicken, cauliflower from the garden, more desserts than should be allowed in one place. This is just raisin bran, but too great of a picture not to include.
Of course, gift opening was a major highlight!
Like last time, Grady LOVED the "hot pool." Clara took longer to warm up, but soon set about charming the camera.
Moment of reflection |
We also took a trip to the desert museum to see the animals. The kids were pretty tired for this outing, but still managed to have fun seeing the coyotes, raptors, and snakes.
short rest |
And of course, Grady loved playing "off like a shot" with Grandpa, a Tucson tradition. This time Clara was old enough to join in! I can't get the video to load directly here, but you should be able to see it by following
this link.
As always, my dad and Dotty went out of their way to make everyone comfortable - renting a crib for Clara, shuttling us around, watching the kids in the morning so Matt and I could sleep, and making sure no one went hungry. It was a wonderful trip. And by the time we came back, the kids were seasoned travelers.
Lucked out with the empty seat again! |
Since arriving back in Portland we've been on baby prep/nesting overdrive. We got a minivan, got a bunk bed and other furniture for Grady and Clara's now shared room, assembled said furniture, got the baby's room in passable order, and otherwise took advantage of the last few days before returning to work.
Ikea! |
Assembled |
Grady has really taken to the new sleeping arrangement. As has Besa. Clara is not so sure about it. She's staying in her crib for the time being, and has been treating us all to frequent night wakings and early morning pleas for mommy. Grady is being a good sport about it, and has mastered the art of the pillow over his head.
The baby has been very active, taking advantage of any extra space he has before it runs out. It was a relief to get things a bit more settled for him, get his clothes sorted out and so forth. Now I need to concentrate on keeping him in for another 8 weeks or so.
We have had a lovely, extended break. Grady and I both go back to school/work tomorrow after close to three weeks off. (Clara and Matt returned last week.) I feel very fortunate to have this family, and it was a treat to get to spend so much time together. With this one too.