Last week we took our annual family summer trip. This year rather than going to the windy coast, we decided to go to central Oregon to Suttle Lake. We hoped the kids would put their swimming lessons to use and enjoy the water in a way they couldn't in the chilly ocean water. The water at the lake was by no means warm, but it was better than the ocean and the kids had a fabulous time. Grady especially loved to be in the water.
This was approximately 8 seconds after arriving |
In they go! |
The lake itself was gorgeous. There was a 3.5 mile trail around (which Theo and I enjoyed at 5:15 every morning, his vacation sleep-in schedule) that showed views of mountains, chipmunks, baby ducks, flowers, and even some otter!
Ducklings! |
Otter! |
While there we also went to the nearby town of Sisters and Grady and Matt went on a boat trip. (Clara decided "I'm done" as soon as this photo was taken.)
I made Grady a fishing rod with a stick, a piece of yarn, a safety pin, and a piece of popcorn. But he quickly decided "There are no fish in this lake" and they turned around and came back. In his defense, it was very hot and sunny that day, so being in a metal boat in the middle of a lake may not have been the best choice.
In general it was a great trip. No one slept much, but I guess that's to be expected. (We did make Clara sleep in the bathroom the last night, which she actually welcomed.) Grady's favorite part: Swimming. Clara's: Cookie.
Some other photos.
Day 2: A little more tired, a little more grumpy |
Help from Daddy |
"I'm on two logs!" |
Still a bit surly |
Just proving Theo was there |
Dinosaur/boat passage project |
Back in Portland, Theo has been brimming with milestones. A few days after the last post, Theo managed to roll from back to front. He now usually does this trick within a minute of being put down. He has a great time up there for a few minutes and then realizes he can't remember how to roll back. Ah well.
Working on it!
Pre-stuck realization |
After breaking out of his swaddle 6 times a night, we've also stopped swaddling. Sleep has been disrupted as a result, but at least we no longer hear the sound of velcro being ripped apart at all hours. Theo has been vocalizing a lot too. He has an annoyed grumble (ai ai ai ai ai) and an impatient "I'm hungry" sound (ha! ha! ha!). He's been babbling to his toys and to us as well. We've also started experimenting with giving him some whole foods. A pea from the garden was looked upon with suspicion but gamely tried. A steamed carrot got some more traction, and he actually ended up swallowing some of that.
And finally, the circle of neglect is back. He hasn't quite figured it out yet - he prefers to put both legs back and lean forward as if flying. The toys are a bit overwhelming, but brother and sister are showing him the ropes.
Grady and Clara are doing fine. Grady started camp, which is "eh." Luckily his best friend is there, and he always seems to have had a good time when I pick him up, but he is never excited to go. He has started busting out some french words however- he knows all his colors, which is pretty cool. It will be interesting to see if his language improves next year when he is there 5 days a week.
We are on the downswing of one of Clara's more "spunky" periods. That girl has strong, strong opinions. We love her for it, but man. Grady cheerfully points out every time Clara makes a "bad choice."
In Clara's opinion, sunglasses go upside down, shoes on wrong feet, and cape in front. |
Other than that we have just been enjoying the Portland summer. No more rain, lots of sun, blueberries in season, garden brimming. Life is good.