Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Grandma & Grandpa with a Mustache Visit and Easter

We finally convinced Matt's parents (Grandma and "Grandpa with a Mustache") to come spend some time with us out in beautiful spring-like Portland. Where it never rains. Where the lilacs always bloom. Where we really want to have Matt's parents come back again soon.

We had a great visit with them. We had a few local excursions to the rhododendron gardens and Westmoreland Park.

Rhododendron Garden contemplation

We took one slightly longer trip to the Tulip Festival - about a 45 minute drive from Portland. Clara was not super excited about having her picture taken, but we managed to get a few decent pictures.

Trying to de-mustache Grandpa with a Mustache

Grady was a great sport with all the photos

These next three will be shown at Theo's wedding

Little troublemaker 

Baby in huge shoe with a graham cracker

Best part

Excursions aside, we spent most of our time together just hanging out coloring, reading and playing in the backyard.

Grandma hard at work coloring
 We were sad to see them go. Their visits always feel very short. Hopefully we can convince them to come back again soon!

On to Easter. We were late to the Easter game this year, as you can perhaps see by the Halloween buckets being used as Easter baskets. We did manage to dye eggs the day before, and of course had the Easter egg hunt. We also got invited to a neighborhood hunt, which the kids were totally primed for after our practice run at home. They now have more candy than they probably got for Halloween, which Matt and I are planning to help them eat.

Gaiety all around

Easter Parade

Theo's first egg. It makes noise!

So. Much. Candy.

Not too much to report from the past few weeks. The main thing going on is that Theo is finally getting comfortable standing up. He's pulling up on everything now, and starting to do some cruising. He may walk at some point yet.

I'm going to cut it short here because I'm hoping to post soon about Grady's birthday - he turns 5 tomorrow! Enjoy these pictures in the meantime.

Water play

By Grady

Thinking about the slide

Pushing Clara

Pushing Clara again

Silly baby