After my friend Cat saw the blog post about Grady eating the circle of neglect chair, she suggested that we put a towel around him to prop him up a bit. Er, not sure we saw much improvement with that!
I think Alyssa is right - he is firmly in oral fixation stage!
He is also obsessed with grabbing onto things. Here are a few shots of me trying to take his picture earlier today.
He really wanted that camera!
Grady just gets more and more fun every day. He's experimenting a lot with sounds. He especially likes "AaaaAAAAAaaAAeeeEEAAaa." He is such a smiley, happy baby. It's such a treat to spend time with him! It doesn't hurt either that he's pretty easy on the eyes!
that reminds me of when my niece started noticing the camera and I think I have a video of her diving at it with her mouth! Love that look in the last pic :)