I'll be curious to see if he's firmly into rolling now, or if this is another "eh, I'll try again later" moment.
Grady also showed some good improvement with his circle of neglect today. He actually was reaching for the objects instead of just trying to eat the towel (although he hasn't given up on that either).
On Sunday, Grady had his first up-close encounter with a dog. My friend Joanna has a little dog about the size of our kitties named Wally. He and Grady were both extremely taken with each other!
It's funny, because he still couldn't care less about the cats.
Grady and I are still adjusting to our new schedule. It's still tough getting Grady to get a solid afternoon nap in because he's so overtired by the time I pick him up from daycare. We will keep working on it, though. Even the 30-60 minutes of extra napping he's getting on our new schedule seems to make a difference.
Finally, here's a cute picture of Grady from the weekend.
I love his crinkled forehead in the first photo!