Sunday, December 12, 2010

Grady's First Christmas Tree! (Plus *lots* of pictures)

Today the family went to get Grady's first Christmas tree at a lot just down the street from us.

Although there were a lot to choose from, Grady had no trouble picking out his first tree.

He knows what he likes!

Even though the lot was just down the street, we brought the car to take the tree home.  Once we had the tree and were leaving though, it seemed easier for Matt to just carry the tree the few blocks.  So Grady and I drove home in the car while Matt carried home the tree!  Needless to say, there was some honking and laughing on the way home.

After picking out the tree, it was time to help Daddy string the lights.

Uh-oh, I know where this is going....

After the lights were taken away, Grady tried to figure out what the heck was going on - why was this tree in the living room? And why was Daddy putting lights on it?  So strange!

Then it was time to pick out Grady's first ornament to hang on the tree.  We have quite a stock of Christmas ornaments, thanks to both my parents and Matt's parents moving in the past year, plus a huge handful of gorgeous white snowflakes from Matt's Grandma.  Grady ended up settling on a mouse ornament.  (Note: Everything is well above cat-level.)

Then he and Daddy hung an ornament together.

Beyond the excitement of the tree, we all had a fun weekend.  Last night the three of us went to my friend Marti's house for a holiday work party.  While there, Grady scooted forward a good couple inches for the first time.  They have carpeting there, which I think helps.  He hasn't repeated the feat yet.  He also ate three pieces of pita bread while there - we need to pick some up for home! The party was a lot of fun, and the house looked very festive.

Today at swimming, Grady got a ribbon for excellence.  I didn't see the other ribbons, but I'm pretty sure the ribbon of excellence is the best one. No videos from swimming, but you can see from this video how good he's getting.

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