Things started out great after the last blog post. The weather turned beautiful, and Matt, Grady and I went for a nice walk through the neighborhood.
Then things turned sour.
On Wednesday when I picked Grady up at daycare, Briana was taking his temperature. Not a good sign. No fever, but he was feeling off. Just as we were getting ready to leave - his first throw up all over the floor. I felt bad that he threw up at daycare, but it was actually helpful to have Amy and Briana talk me through how to handle his first throw up. Poor guy. He actually seemed in pretty good spirits by the time we got home. He had one small throw up during the night, and that was pretty much it. Kind of tired and not much of an appetite for the next day or two. We skipped swimming and our other planned activities, but had a nice quiet time at home. Here are some shots of him on the mend before we get to the weekend part.
Here, Grady found his way into the tv room.
Perusing the DVDs....
Perusing the contents of the trash bin....
Perusing the contents of the trash bin once again, after mommy so unhelpfully filled it back up and moved it.
Grady also really enjoyed playing with this penguin that his Auntie Noel got for him.
So with Grady on the mend, we were looking forward to a fun weekend. Then Friday night hit. Without getting into too much detail, I will summarize by saying I have lost 8 pounds since Friday. I'm still not close to 100%, but am at least able to get up off the floor. Matt also battled with Grady's bug, but luckily he kicked it much faster than I did. I honestly do not know how we would have gotten through Saturday if we had both been as sick as I was.
I thought I felt well enough on Sunday to go for a walk at Kelley Point Park in North Portland. It's a cool park, looking over where the Willamette and Columbia rivers meet. I overestimated how well I was feeling and how long Grady could go without a snack, but we still had a good time for the most part. Here are some pictures.
I'm not sure if I've ever been in a grove of cottonwood trees before. It felt like we were very far away from Portland.
Grady had his own plans for what he wanted to look at for most of the trip (hint: not the camera), so most of the pictures are out. Here are a few shots though. The first one is the point where the Willamette and Columbia rivers actually converge.
Add to Sunday that Grady is either teething or is just going through a fussy stage right now and has been doing a lot of yelling (not good for headaches!) and tantrum-ing - and it made for a pretty challenging weekend. We made it to the other side, though! I took a very needed sick day today with Grady at daycare, and am feeling closer to human.
Luckily, Grady still is a charmer despite the grumpiness and continues to make us laugh.
Here Grady and the kitties did some role playing.
Besa at Grady's new musical table (which is AWESOME):
She's quite musical!
And Grady at Besa's scratching post:
He gets a little flustered when he hits the pompom on top!
Although we haven't witnessed it yet, reports from daycare today were that Grady pulled up to standing for the first time!
And since this post was a bit of a downer, I'll throw in some pictures of Fuzz from the past week. Here she is helping me finally put away my maternity clothes.
And some cuddles with Besa.
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