Friday, March 11, 2011

Everyone's back home (almost)

As I'm typing this, Matt is on his way back from NYC.  It will be nice to have the whole family together again.

I had a really wonderful time with my friends Donna and Catharine out east this past weekend.  It was, predicatably, hard to be away from Grady but it was worth it to see two very dear friends.  There may or may not be some pictures floating around somewhere of the three of us in matching pajamas.  Unfortunately, or fortunately, these are not in my possession so I can't post.

I made a video for Grady to watch while I was away.  I found this while going through videos to post tonight.  Makes my heart melt a little!

Grady was very excited to see me on Monday, but was a little distant after that until yesterday.  I think he was a bit mad that I left.  I felt torn - happy and also jealous - as he climbed all over his daycare provider, the fabulous Briana, as I dropped him off in the mornings.  It was kind of lonely just sitting on the floor there without my baby!  I felt like he had replaced me a bit, although I know that's silly.  I felt better these past few days as he climbed over three separate female friends who I visited with today.  I think he's just experimenting with interacting with people, and it makes me feel good that he's so comfortable with people.

On Tuesday, as daddy left for New York City, Grady and I took our first baby sign language class.  It was a lot of fun, and I learned some good signs like "Bear" and "Shoe."  Speaking of language - judge for yourselves here whether he is saying "Duck."  I still think it may be a fluke.

One big milestone these past few days - Grady has finally started crawling in proper form.  He falls back to army crawling when he's in a hurry, but it's a start!

Next step: Biking!  (Hey, it's Portland!)

Grady has been really into playing instruments lately.  I got him a little toy banjo which he loves.

He also likes to play with his drums, and act like everything else is a drum.

Yesterday, Grady and I went to Emanuel for another ultrasound to check out his kidneys and then to meet with the urologist.  There is finally some good news!  After the doctor popped the ureteroceles in Grady's bladder during the last procedure a few months ago, the right kidney and ureters have "decompressed."  What this means for now is no surgery on the horizon.  We go back for a follow-up in six months and we'll reevaluate.  I asked if there was a chance of no surgery at all, and the doctor said a small chance.  I think at least he will still likely have the reflux surgery, but we will just wait and see.  He was a trooper through the whole thing - even though he refused to take a nap beforehand and the appointment went until 2:30.  He fell asleep in the car for the first time in as long as I can remember!

I'll close with a little photo montage. I took this first picture because I thought it was funny how surrounded by toys Grady was, but I find the whole progression here really charming.  He is very into crawling toward the camera right now!

And one more picture for the road.

Well Matt is here!  Better go - happy weekend everyone!

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