I'm hoping after this week, I will be better at posting in a timely manner! We had our annual conference at work these past few days, right on the heels of getting a draft of an amicus brief out the door. So, it has been very, very busy. Plus Grady has had a nasty cough, which involved an emergency trip to the doctor's on Sunday (he's fine, just nasty sounding) and subsequently a day home from daycare to recover from a fever. So anyway. Here we are. Apologies.
I'm going to be pretty minimalist here, since it's been a long week, and mostly just show a few videos and some photos. Again, I'll aim to do better!
Grady continues to make good progress with his standing. He will stand up for many seconds at a time -
before very deliberately sitting back down.
Grady has also gotten pretty handy around the backyard. He has become quite the gardener.
He's also decided when it comes to his pool, he will take matters into his own hands when mom is taking too long to fill it up.
Grady continues to explode verbally. He now knows a few animal sounds - woof woof for dog, moooo for cow. He even said "Thom" and "Gun" at daycare, the names of two of his little playmates over there. He recently started making "choo choo" noises for his little toy cars that he likes to push around everywhere. Not technically accurate, but I can see how it would be confusing. I think it comes from his love for the larger push train that Grandma and Grandpa got for him for his birthday. He has taught himself how to sit on it, and can even push himself while sitting (although only backwards). No video of that, but here's one of him choo-chooing.
He understands a lot more than he can say. If you say "Grady, do you want to go outside?" he drops whatever he's doing and makes a beeline through the kitchen, down the back stairs, and then tries to get the screen door open to get out. He also knows every iteration of do you want to eat (are you hungry, do you want a snack, do you want breakfast/lunch/dinner).
Speaking of food.... Dad, this video is for you - but you may want to close your eyes at the end to avoid the disillusionment.
And one final video before I sign off and get some rest - next stop The Masters?
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