There's definitely something to time going faster the older you get. I feel like we were picking out Christmas trees just a few weeks ago, and here we are already nearly halfway through February. Here is a little update, and then some pictures.
Grady: Grady is reading! He read his first book all by himself (well almost all by himself, thanks vowels) - a library book called Tin. He is trying his hand at writing too.
He is taking swimming lessons, which he absolutely loves. We also signed him up for Taekwon Do this winter. He was sort of kind of into it, until a black belt gave a demonstration. He was so overwhelmed with joy he couldn't even look at him. He's now hooked. School is going pretty well. They are starting to learn cursive and have had a lot of field trips to theater productions around town. After a rough-ish start, he seems to be settling in. He has also lost two teeth, quickly replaced by his grownup ones.
Clara: Clara seems to be really settling into herself lately. She has fewer and fewer tantrums, and has emerged as a sweet, imaginative, funny, helpful girl. She loves to make up games and teach them to Theo. Theo sometimes gets it, sometimes not. Last night he had a lot of fun working his way through a Clara-led obstacle course. Clara has been doing great at school, but we decided to pull her out at the end of the school year. Next year they go to a mandatory five day a week schedule, and we decided that's not what we want for her right now. Plenty of time for five days a week starting in Kindergarten. We are on the waitlist at two schools that are more play-based and that have more flexible schedules.
Theo: Theo, Theo, Theo. All of a sudden, he is just all boy. Energetic, destructive - he is a force. He is talking quite a bit now - and when he doesn't know the words, he just makes stuff up. "Yubba beeba baby beeboo." He has learned that, when he is cranky, he should blame it on being tired. "I'm tired" he will explain after hitting me on the forehead with a spoon. He often will check in to see if anyone else is tired. "Mommy tired? Daddy tired? Cara tired? Geedy tired?" He is very outgoing, and likes approaching strangers to tell them that "Cara at school, Geedy at school." We are taking music classes, which he loves. He makes up songs at home, too. Our favorite so far went "Towel, towel, towel," which he sang while carrying baby around the room... in a towel. He loves to make people laugh, especially Grady.
And now the good stuff:
Someone found Clara's gingerbread house |
Making star ornaments |
Clara's frosting. I mean cookie. (She wrote her name herself) |
Clara was very proud to help the table look nice for Christmas. She carefully chose something to put behind everyone's chair. |
Santa presents |
In Tucson! Uncle Cliff is covered |
Cousins at play |
Christmas Spectacles
Both Clara and Grady had holiday shows for their schools.
We had snow in Portland - timed right before the first day back to school. We had a bonus two days added to our vacation. Grady LOVED it. Clara was eh. Theo thought it a bit too cold. The ice after was amazing. We are going sledding this weekend for the first time - should be an adventure!
And the rest
Just a boy chillin' with his tutu |
Theo is going through a mommy phase, did I mention? |
Thanks for the duck, Grandma! |
Tired out after a busy morning or duck-walking |
Reed Lake adventure |
Snack time |
Cuteness |
"Look tired out" was the direction (for an upcoming article) |
And finally, a video documenting the brilliance of my baby.
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