Thursday, September 9, 2010

He's back!

Looks who's back and happier than ever!

A couple things I failed to mention yesterday.

Grady got his first taste of food other than milk yesterday.  Prior to the procedure, Grady was allowed to have milk until 5, and then clear liquids (among which they included apple juice) until 7.  I started by offering pedialyte, which Grady did not like.  I don't blame him - I tasted it and it was nasty.  So then I offered him apple juice, which I thought he would absolutely love.

 Boy was I wrong!

One of the side-effects of the sedative is "poor judgment."  I'm not sure how long that's supposed to last but Grady has made a few judgment errors.  One, he tried to grab Besa's face.  Two, and even worse, he stepped in his dirty diaper.  Like, #2 dirty.  45 wipes later, I'm still not convinced it's clean!  Hopefully this poor judgment clears up soon.  I would think it would be 24 hours tops. 

Grady is getting stronger and stronger.  Here's a shot of him today at book babies.

Look at him sitting up on his own!

Here he is at tummy time today - he's really getting up on his arms.

He's also gotten pretty good at standing!

What, you didn't know I could stand?

Seriously?  What do you think I am, 4 months?

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