Saturday, September 18, 2010

Not much to report

How's that to reel you in?  The weather has turned rainy, which makes it harder to get motivated to do fun things.  I know I have to post though, to avoid Goopy wrath.  So - here are some cute pictures! 

And look everyone!  The backsplash is done!

Here's Grady trying out his splashing techniques.

Here he is trying not to laugh at how soaked he got mommy!

And drying off.

Here's Grady before we went for brunch this morning with our friends Jay and Joanna.  He is giving daddy a big smile!

He's been saying a lot of "da da da" noises, although he's not associating the sounds with the "da" himself yet.

Hopefully all these pictures make up for my delay in posting! 

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