Thursday, November 11, 2010

Amazing love of Toy, plus a high chair (finally!)

Grady really likes tags on toys.  Toys are okay, but the tags - the tags are pretty darn cool.  Thinking I was being such a crafty mom, I decided to make a toy for Grady that is basically all tags.  It's a little square filled with parchment paper so it makes crinkly noises, lined with tags on every side.  The result?  Can you guess?

For those who couldn't get through the video - he doesn't like it.

I finally got up the courage to head over to Ikea to pick up a high chair for Grady.  I panicked last minute and changed my mind to get this one:

I think I picked poorly for a number of reasons, but Grady seems happy, and it was cheap enough that I can get another one without feeling too bad.

Grady broke another tooth yesterday.  He has been drooling, biting (ouch!) and just generally teething, so I had been expecting it.  I was expecting it to break through on the top, though, which is where the next round usually starts.  Instead it broke through on the bottom - so he is going to have three bottom teeth and none on top for a while!  Should look pretty funny.  I think a fourth is about to poke up on the bottom too, which will even it out a bit.

It just hit me today that Thanksgiving is coming up soon!  Dad, Dotty and Cliff will all be heading up to PDX.  We can't wait to see them, and have them see how much Grady has grown!

1 comment:

  1. Is that a fabric cover?? I sent you with very explicit instructions!!
    He looks very grown up in the chair though!
