Thursday, July 21, 2011

A bunch of videos and some photos

Excuse the brevity of this post.  I've been feeling a bit under the weather.  But I've gotten too many videos and pictures to postpone writing a post any longer, so here we go!

I'll start out with the photos.  I mentioned last post that we were getting some professional photos done over the weekend.  Well, despite the weather being rainy and Grady having a meltdown when we ran out of yogurt drops, the photos turned out really well!  We've only gotten a teaser, but here they are.  I'll post the link to the site when the rest are up.

Grady has all of a sudden taken an interest in that toy where you put the shapes in through the same-shaped hole.  Er, that makes no sense.  You can just see it in the video. 

The rest of the videos are all Grady practicing walking, since I haven't put any of those up yet.  Last Sunday, he hit a milestone where he was standing up and then walking on his own initiative, instead of walking because daddy or mommy had cruelly placed something two steps out of his grasp.  Here are some videos of that.

After taking a few days off to think about whether walking was something he wanted to pursue, Grady was all over it today.  I started taking a video here, and, although it does involve some walking, it also involves him just being a goof (saying Baaawwwwl, sitting on his drum, playing along with the music).  It may be a bit long for the casual reader, but I couldn't bear to edit it. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, that Grady! I love seeing him walk. And your photos turned out great!
