Monday, April 25, 2011

Grady's First Easter

For those of you with very good memories, Matt proposed to me on Easter 4 years ago, so it's always been a little extra special. Grady (aka Mr. Two Weeks Late) came too late by a few days for Easter last year, so Matt and I were excited to celebrate our first Easter as a family this year.

The weather on Saturday could not have been nicer.  It was especially welcome after a seemingly endless string of coldish, rainy, gray days.

We enjoyed the weather by playing in the backyard.

First we lathered up.

Then played with various receptacles filled with water.

Grady especially liked taking objects out of the baking pan and putting them into his bathtub.

Then he got to blowing bubbles in the bath.

And then, perhaps inevitably, this happened.

Time to dry off!

I made a big batch of chili earlier in the week.  Perhaps not traditional Easter fare, but Grady enjoyed it!

I spent most of Sunday trying to take a decent picture of Grady for Easter.  Unfortunately, this is all I got!

Later on Easter, when eating a rice cake, Grady looked just angelic.  Unfortunately, I don't have the appropriate Easter props, but here are the pictures anyway.

My absolute favorite thing that happened this weekend, though, is Grady learned how to do a proper kiss - rather than a wet, open mouthed bite.  I think I will try to figure out how to get this video to loop, and just have it constantly running while I'm at work.

Grady had a somewhat rough day at daycare today.  He was pretty cranky for a lot of the day and was really beside himself by the time I arrived, having just been woken up from a nap.  You can tell he is in his manic stage here right before bed tonight as he discovered a new use for the cat toy.

Tomorrow I will be gone all day for a work event in Denver.  It is only a day trip, but the timing of it (leaving at 5 AM, coming back at 9 PM) means that I won't get to play with Grady at all tomorrow.  It will be hard to be away from him, as always, but he will be in good hands with Daddy and while at daycare.   Wish us all luck, though!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Hanging out with a one-year-old

Grady is now one year old.  He has become quite sophisticated in the past week.  Here is a sample of the things he does.

He reads.

And appreciates the subtle humor in Go, Dog. Go!

He experiments with blocks.

And makes music out of them.

He tries new hairstyles.

He goes to sign language class (he's learned hello, goodbye, more, duck, light, and fan)

And somewhat takes over the parachute.

He talks on the phone.

He plays hide-and-seek.

He delicately samples soup.

He thoroughly enjoys his water (Thanks, Uncle Cliff....).

Can't wait to see what the next weeks hold!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Happy First Birthday Grady!

We couldn't have asked for a more perfect first birthday weekend for Grady.  Both Grandmas and Grandpas came out to visit and see Grady through this big milestone!

Our first family outing was to the Rhododendron Gardens. Long-time followers of the blog may remember that this was our first outing as a new family (Grady, Daddy, and Mommy) when Grady was about a week old.  Look at how much he's grown!

The rhododendrons weren't quite out yet this year, but the cherry blossoms were.

Everyone had fun, especially posing with the birthday boy.

We then came back home for... CAKE!

My co-worker Becca shared a recipe for a banana monkey cake that I couldn't resist.

Grady couldn't resist for long either!  Here he is thoughtfully assessing the situation.

First tentative bite:

Second un-tentative bite:



Next up - presents.  The grandparents formerly known as Goomy and Goopy bought Grady a train that he can roll around on and he absolutely loved it.  He's never responded to a toy like that.  He just could not get enough of it.

He loved scooting around on it, and also liked to try to walk with it.  It goes fast, though, on the hardwood floors!

Whoops!  He has gotten a bit better at it, but he needs mommy or daddy to slow down the train!

What a great toy!

Grady also got a xylophone from Mommy and Daddy, which was fun to play and to eat.

(Can you tell Mommy forgot to buy wrapping paper?)

Grandma and Grandpa Wilkinson got Grady a new peek-a-boo book with animals that you can touch and feel.  I made the noise for the elephant and Grady repeated right away - BA-ROOOM!  

Grady also got some stacking cups from Mommy and Daddy, and some great stacking blocks from Uncle Cliff.  Grady had a lot of fun putting stuff inside and outside the blocks and knocking them over.  Hooray! (Clap clap clap!)

On Saturday, we took advantage of the first sun in ages (the headline in the Oregon newspaper, the Oregonian, Saturday was "Scary-bright ball in the sky will go away").  

He did not like the way the wet grass felt on his hands, though!  He also didn't much like the taste of rock.

Grady and Daddy had fun horsing around and acting silly. 

Grandpa Wilkinson joined in the fun too! 

Then Grady did a very convincing Jack Nicholson imitation.

Grady really loved being with his grandparents, who were quite taken with him in return.  There was lots of giggling - sometimes of the manic sort - playing peek-a-boo, tickling, hugging, and loving.  

 Grandpa Swap and Grady particularly enjoyed exchanging "OH NOs!"


It was such a wonderful first birthday for Grady.  The only sad part was having to say goodbye to everyone.  It's really nice having family around.  Thanks to all the grandparents for making the trip out, and especially to Grandma Wilkinson for braving her second plane flight. 

Over the weekend, Grady also perfected the sign for "more."  At first, I don't think he knew what he was signing, but he seems to have gotten the meaning now, and apparently also signed more at school today.

I realized today too that Grady might be old enough for his big boy chair.  Boy, did he love it!

He was lounging and laughing, and when I brought him down he climbed right back up it!

And if I can be corny for a moment - this birthday was such a huge milestone not only for Grady but for me and Matt.  It gave us an opportunity to look back on this past year and think about life before our little boy and life now.  Grady has made our lives so much richer and happier.  He is a sweet, charming, social, giggly little bear.  We could not love him any more than we do, but I know we will love him even more tomorrow.  MMmmwwwaaHHHHH!