Friday, September 13, 2013

Grandma and Grandpa visit!

The big highlight of the past few weeks was our visit from Grandma and Grandpa Wilkinson.  It's a long trip for them, and we always very much appreciate the effort it takes for them to get here.  Grady was especially excited to welcome them, pulling out books, talking a mile a minute, and generally entertaining them upon their arrival.  Clara, not so much.  Although she did allow both grandparents to read books to her by the third day of their visit.

Clara is conspicuously absent
Because Matt had to be at work for most of their visit, we didn't get to do too many Portland activities.  But we did go to lots of playgrounds, go on walks, make pie, can tomatoes, and see the big downtown Portland farmers market.

Grandma's pie helper
The favorite activity for the kiddos from the visit was probably the puddle jumping though.  A Portland fall rite of passage!

Second child: no socks necessary

Going in for the unwanted hug

Still unwanted

Yup, still unwanted

The visit went by quickly and we were sad to see them leave!

The other big highlight from the past few weeks is this -

We are really excited (and daunted, and nervous, etc.) to be expecting another boy in the beginning of March.  So far all tests look good.  Grady is beyond thrilled to be having a little brother.  He's very curious about how he is swimming in my tummy, and if there are any toys in my belly.  He has several names picked out.  The front runner right now is "Snacky Randall," but Phlegm and Eyeball are still in the running.  We haven't been talking to Clara too much about it yet, but her daycare teacher told me that she pointed to her tummy and said "Baby!" during snack this past week.

Grady is always a riot, but he has been really cracking me up lately.

He told me his first knock knock joke today.  Are you ready?  It's a good one.
Grady: Knock knock
Me: Who's there
Grady: Banana
Me: Banana who?
Grady: Poop

Today at the playground he wanted to play in the mud.  I told him I didn't think it was a great idea since we didn't have a change of clothes, but if he was okay with being wet and muddy it was up to him.  He decided to go for it, and a minute later he says "You were right, Mommy.  This wasn't such a good idea."

Grady picked up the idea of hide and seek somewhere.  He doesn't quite understand the rules yet, but still loves to play.

He has been excited about drawing letters.  He has most of the ones that are just lines down - Ts are a special favorite.  But he's done G, Q, O, and recently P and B.  Here's a short video.

And he started up his next soccer class -first scrimmage!

And just hanging out with Daddy.

Clara is full of words and is really trying hard to get them out.  Her annunciation needs some work, but she's getting new ones every day.  My favorite is - finally! - the appearance of "yeah."  A wonderful counterpoint to all her "NO!"s.  "Snack" is a useful one too.  She understands more words than I expect - able to point to pretty much whatever we ask her to point to in a book for instance.

She is also getting really into singing now.  She repeats back notes and sings to herself.  She emphatically bounces in her car seat when I ask if she and Grady want to listen to some music.  Here's some "bubble bubble" action from tonight.

And she continues to be a pretty great kiss-bestower.

Some Daddy love:

We've had some cute brother-sister moments these past two weeks too.  Here are some.

Going in for the kiss

Not sure about that

Packed and ready to go

Borderline violent hug
 That's all the news over here!