Thursday, February 21, 2013

Feeling better

We lost a family member this past week.  Matt's Grandmother, Grandma Wilkinson, passed away yesterday at the age of 103.  Although I only met her a few times, it was always such a pleasure to talk with her. She was sharp, bright, and witty, and I've been enjoying getting to know her better through Matt's stories of her these past few days.  She will be greatly missed.  

On the whole, we've been much healthier these past few weeks.  Fuzz ended up having to get six (six!) teeth pulled, but we've had no further sick days since the last post.  Now that Clara is relatively healthy (snot notwithstanding), she is all action, all the time.  A few weeks ago she decided to try out "proper" crawling on all fours.  

She kept at it for a few days before deciding she could get around much faster with her old army crawl.  She is really fast.  She can get in trouble in no time. 

Yesterday Clara stood on her own without support for the first time.  

She is already a total pro.  She hung out standing up for much of the day today, sometimes for close to a minute - stopping only when she gets distracted by something else.  Which, by the way, is usually much faster than one minute. Case in point. 

Clara also continues to show herself as a brave-verging-on-reckless little lady.  We went to the playground this past week.  I set her by the play structure.  She crawled all the way up to the top and threw herself down the slide without a second thought.  I mean literally - no thought at all, she saw the slide, she went down.  Here she is on go number two - the first one happened so fast I couldn't even get my phone out!  

She could have done it all day, and was quite upset when it was time to leave!

Today she went down sitting up!

She loves it so much we have had to improvise with our own personal slide at home. 

Some other fun playground shots -

He made it to the top!

Clara is understanding more, and able to communicate with us better as well too.  She will clap when asked (if she feels like it) and say "clap" - or vaguely clap.  And she's added a wave to "bye" - a very regal, wrist turning, finger flapping wave.   New words are "ball," "fuh" (fan), "hi," and "buh buh" (brother).We had one very sweet moment with the "buh buh."  Clara has a new car seat, which means we can't transport her to and from places in her car seat anymore.  So I've been leaving her in the car for a minute or two in the morning when I drop Grady off at daycare before going to her daycare to drop her off.  She's been fine when we get out of the car, seems fine in the car during drop off, but has been crying every time I come back in the car.  I wasn't sure why she was waiting until I came back before she started crying.  Then on Wednesday when I came back in the car Clara started saying "Buh buh!  Buh buh!"  She missed Grady!  

Grady is learning some new "words" too. 

I've been most impressed these past few weeks with his singing.  He's always loved singing, and, while I've always loved watching him sing, it's been especially fun as of late.   He just has fun with music - it's really lovely to watch.

I especially like hearing his revisions of songs - changing the words to suit his mood and his comedic tendencies. Yes, Grady continues to be our little comedian.  Cracking jokes, making faces, saying unexpected things, and cracking himself up just as often as us.

He's also very excited to be the "Ring Bear" in Uncle Cliff and Aunt Susana's wedding.  Only 2 1/2 months to go!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Doctors, sickness, yuck

This has been a tough winter.  Clara has been sick off and on, mostly on, pretty much since starting daycare in November. The past few weeks were especially bad.  A cold she had for several days turned into a fever, which finally went away for all of a week before she got hit with another fever.  We were worried enough to bring her in to the doctor on Thursday, who could find nothing obviously wrong.  (The fever went down on Friday, and was gone today, thank goodness.)

The next day, Friday, was a scheduled VCUG and ultrasound for Grady to check on his kidneys, which was an all-morning affair and pretty brutal at times.  Unofficial reports are no change - meaning still very high degree of reflux.  We meet with the urologist in the beginning of March.  

And then today was another trip back to the emergency room because Grady couldn't or wouldn't pee for close to 24 hours after his VCUG.  (The VCUG involves a catheter, which we think was causing some residual irritation.)  In any event, 45 minutes or so after arriving at the ER, Grady successfully peed on his own, making it a very expensive trip to the bathroom.  

We came home to find Fuzzy in some discomfort - we think a bad tooth.  We are hoping she stays well enough to make it to the vet on Monday during regular hours.  Poor Fuzzy. 

And poor Bessy for that matter. 

It's been quite a week, to say the least. 

Despite the sickness, hospitals, and worries, we have managed to have some bright spots. Mostly we have been in awe of Clara's amazing ability to create an absolute mess. 

Exhibit A: Feeding herself with a spoon

It doesn't even matter at this point

What have I done.

Exhibit B: Painting

Much more sophisticated technique than Clara's belly painting

And paint eating

Clara is also now able to walk with the help of a walker.  She loves it - and is so pleased with herself for walking! 

Another first for Clara was her first ride in the shopping cart!  So proud! 

And a clip of her saying her first word - Done.

Grady has been a really good sport with all the extra attention Clara has been getting because of her sickness.  Sometimes he gets jealous, which usually manifests itself in subtle ways - vigorously running a monster truck over Clara's hands, asking politely if Clara can stay downstairs while he and I go upstairs, screaming at her when she gets within a 10 yard radius that he needs space.  Matt and I are making an extra effort to give him some special one-on-one time now that Clara is on the mend.  Today he and I went for frozen yogurt and to the playground, just the two of us.  Next week he and Matt will see Monster Trucks together.  

I was so proud of Grady these past two days at the hospital too.  He was so articulate and sweet to the doctors and nurses.  And despite being a really scary and slightly painful couple of days, he dealt with it so well.  He is getting to be a really big boy.  I'm already getting nostalgic for my little boy.  

And for the most part he is such a good big brother.  He was pretty excited to have Clara experience his sandbox for the first time today.  Clara, in turn, was pretty excited to eat the sand.  Shoveling a handful in her mouth.  Pausing thoughtfully.  Shoveling in another handful. 

He also invents some pretty cool peek-a-boo games for Clara.

And is willing to share Daddy from time to time.

Yeah, those two are going to be thick as thieves soon enough. 

Fingers crossed for a healthy and happy post the next time.