Grady had a pretty fun time with the grandparents this weekend! On Saturday morning, we went to the farmers' market at Portland State University. Grady, again, was not able to stay awake, but I felt like he was really trying this time! Here he is in front of some strawberry plants.

Afterwards, we walked a few blocks to the Oregon Historical Society and learned a little bit about Oregon's history, including the Lewis & Clark expedition and the dispossesion of the Native Americans. Luckily, Grady slept through this one. No, just kidding. History is great.
In the afternoon, Matt and his dad built a trellis for the garden. I don't have a picture of it, but it is very impressive! The Wilkinsons know how to build garden ornaments!
Yesterday was a quieter day. Matt and I went for a walk with Grady while the grandparents went to church. Then Grady mostly napped and ate. He also did some impressive holding his head up during tummy time. This picture is from a few days ago, although it captures the mood of yesterday afternoon -

Grady had a pretty traumatic morning this morning, although I think he handled it better than I did. He had to go back to Emanuel hospital today to get a VCUG done. Basically, they insert a catheter in the penis, put some dye in, give him fluids, and wait for him to pee to see how well his kidneys are functioning. They took pictures of the bladder and kidneys throughout. The kid clearly needed to pee but was holding it in. I, I thought helpfully, informed the hospital staff that he likes to pee
on people, but no one volunteered. Anyway, he did eventually pee and was really brave throughout. He cried only a little bit thanks to the miracles of sugar water. We have to keep an eye on him for a fever over the next 24 hours and encourage fluids (so far, he has not needed much encouragement). Tomorrow afternoon we meet with the pediatric urologist who should tell us the results of the VCUG and of the ultrasound Grady had last week. Here is a picture of Grady this morning getting ready for his doctor's appointment. His hair is newly washed since he took it upon himself to pee on his head this morning.

The kitties seem to be getting more used to Grady after a few weeks. I feel bad that I'm not giving them quite as much attention as before, but I am trying to spend as much time with them as I can. Luckily, they also have each other to cuddle with.

Matt's parents leave tomorrow late evening. It has been wondeful having them here, and we will miss them when they leave!
Also, for those who haven't voted yet, time is ticking on the does Grady look like Winston Churchill poll! Right now, the nays have it!