We took Grady in today for an ultrasound to check on the progress of his hydronephrosis. For those that don't know, Grady was diagnosed at his 18 week ultrasound with hydronephrosis in his right kidney - basically, the tube connecting the bladder to the right kidney is swollen, which causes some dilation in the right kidney as well. We won't really know much until we meet with the pediatric urologist on Tuesday and have a follow-up test called a VCUG, which tracks how well the urine is flowing through the kidneys. We do know that the condition is still there, but we don't yet know what sort of action, if any, will need to be taken. The good news is that the left kidney seems to still be working fine, and absolutely worst case, he only needs the one kidney. When we met with the urologist a few months ago, he said if Grady ends up relying on the one kidney, it will become a "super kidney," basically doing the work of two kidneys. Pretty cool! Here is a picture of Grady in the waiting room. We gussied him up a bit for the doctors.

In keeping with doctor's appointments news, we take Grady in for his two week check up tomorrow - I'll be curious to see how much he weighs now.
Finally, in happier news, Matt's parents are coming tonight! We are looking forward to seeing them and having them meet their newest grandson.
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