And here he is when he was told he couldn't eat his cupcake:
Mommy and Daddy are mean.
Grady also had his one week doctor's appointment today. He weighed in at 8 pounds, 2 ounces, so he has officially exceeded his birth weight. That may no longer be the case, however, after the changing debacle that occurred this afternoon. Matt left to go get a few things at Babies R Us. While he was gone, I finished nursing Grady and went to see if he needed changing. He did. I was just finishing cleaning up the poop, when he NOT ONLY projectile peed all over the room, but also managed to spit up at the same time. It was quite a feat. I'm still recovering. No pictures of that, unfortunately.
The cats are starting to get more used to having Grady around. True to her personality, Fuzz is more of an observer. Here is Fuzzy checking out Grady while I was cleaning up the pee spray:
True to form, Besa is pushing boundaries a bit more, but is still being pretty cautious around Grady. Here she is trying to share lap space:
In sadder news, my dad and Dotty left today to head back to Tucson. They were such a huge help here - Matt and I ate like royalty and felt very pampered. Luckily they will be coming back in October to visit Grady (and us). He'll be six months old then, so he will be pretty different! Here are Grandma (Goomy) and Grandpa (Goopy) (I don't know why they aren't coming around to these nicknames) with baby Grady:
Hopefully I will write more soon - all things may change now that the grandparents are gone! Matt's parents are coming on Wednesday, and we can't wait to see them.
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