no pictures, please
It's amazing how friendly people are when you have a baby! Several people offered to take pictures of the three of us, and everyone commented on how cute he is. We already know this, but it's nice to get reassurance. Here is one of our first family photos.
Grady basically slept through the entire affair, but Matt and I really enjoyed ourselves. The rhododendrons were blooming, the weather was perfect, and it was nice to wander around outside in the sun.
A few hours after we got back, our friends Neil and Cynthia came over for some grilling. It was fun to hang out with adults for a while, and the first grilled hamburgers of the season were delicious. Grady again slept through the entire affair, but did begin crying nearly immediately upon their departure. The kid is well behaved for company!
Grady was a little fussy last night, but seems to be back to his happy self tonight. He is staying awake for longer periods, which is nice. I wish we could play with him more while he is awake, but he is just too little to do much by way of playing. We have, of course, already started his training plan for his first triathalon, and he seems to be responding pretty well. Once he figures out that his legs are attached to his body, I think he will progress even more quickly.
And, just so you know we have not forgotten about the cats, here is a gratuitously cute photo of the two of them.

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