Grady has gotten more and more smiley and social these past few days. I think I may have even replaced Lion decal as the receipient of the most smiles. Glad to know Grady knows which side his bread is buttered on. Even so, he does love that lion - so much so that he knows it by name.
Did you get that?
I think he says lion pretty clearly!
Here are some shots of Grady from this morning playing with his play mat from Aunt Michelle and Uncle Michael.
First he's trying to figure out what exactly is going on, but he quickly starts to really love it!
I'll pretend that last shot is artistic, rather than a display of my inadequacy at the camera.
Here's Grady just flirting with the camera after he got tired of the play mat.
And here's a slightly better shot of Grady lifting himself up on his arms during tummy time from this morning.
Grady's just recently started to grasp objects (other than fingers) with his hands. I don't think he realizes what he's doing yet, but it's still exciting. I also think he sort of mock rolled over to his right side earlier today. I put him in his travel crib while I was getting ready to meet Jada and Rose for our walk, and when I came back to him he was definitely more to the right than when I set him down. He wasn't completely rolled over, so I'm not sure whether I can really call it a roll. I'm being extra vigilant when he's at the changing table, though. He's also become really enamored with lights recently. It's just fun to watch him start to understand the world more and more.
Tomorrow we are having Jada, Rose, and Jada's husband Trevor over for barbecue. Hopefully the weather will cooperate. The forecast looks nice, but I'm not holding my breath!
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