As you can see, Grady was really showing off for daddy during his tummy time today! It sounds like Matt had a fun time with Grady. He managed to time his naps just right, did a lot of fun activities, and had a pretty happy baby because of it!
When I came home, Grady looked a little bit perplexed for a moment or two, and then started giving me some of his big smiles. It was nice to know he didn't totally forget about me while I was gone.
Grady has gotten much better at grasping objects, and has managed to hold on to his rattle a few times. He doesn't quite know what to do with it once he has it, but that doesn't stop him from grabbing on!

We had kind of a scary thing happen last night that is somewhat funny in retrospect. Matt finished putting Grady to bed and shut the door. About 30 minutes later there was a loud noise. Matt said, "What's that?" and I said, "Probably Besa on the kitchen counter." I started to go to see what Besa was up to when the voice-activated screen on Grady's video monitor turned on. What did I see but crazy-eyed Besa leaning over the crib! I screamed "Oh my God, Besa's in the crib" and tore up the stairs like those super-human adrenalinezed people who can pick up cars with their bare hands. Matt had accidentally locked Besa in the room instead of out! I managed to get her off the crib and out of the room without Grady even waking up! Boy, it was scary at the time. Because it was so dark in the room, the night vision on the camera was on, and all you could see was Besa's crazy glow-in-the-dark eyes. I thought it was a raccoon for a second!
Tomorrow I get to spend all day with Grady, and then back to work on Wednesday. We're planning to do our Friday walk with Rose and Jada tomorrow since I'll be working Fridays now, so that should be a lot of fun.
I'm glad the first day back went well and I'm hoping your second day back is equally smooth.