I understand - work is tiring!
On Saturday, we had Neil and Cynthia over for dinner. Matt did basically all of it - he is really getting to be a master at the grill! We had two different kinds of paninis, garden salad (with lettuce from the garden!), and chocolate chip cookies and berries for dessert. It was really delicious!
Also on Saturday, Grady experimented with some new looks. Here he is going for punk.
On Sunday, Grady and I went for a walk with my good friend Joanna. It was so nice to catch up with her after not seeing her for what seemed like a long time!
Of course, the big news is that Grady started daycare yesterday. Here are some pictures of him in his first day of school outfit.
I thought I would be okay with it after our practice week last week. I was fine on Sunday night. I was even fine driving over there. But the second I walked in, I started crying and didn't stop for a good two hours. I still cry when I think about him being there.
Grady did much better than his mom with the whole daycare thing. All reports were that he was happy and calm, mostly just checking out all the babies and the new environment. Here he is telling me and Daddy a little about his day.
At daycare, it is very bright and noisy, and they also don't swaddle the babies for naps, so Grady only took two 30 minute naps all day. He crashed last night at 7:15 and slept straight through the night until 5:45. He went back to sleep only about an hour and a half later for his morning nap and is still sleeping from that after an hour.
We're going to give the daycare thing a bit of time and see if it gets any better. I know it's only been one day, and I think Grady is fine there - I just want him to be better than fine....
Today I am with Grady all day. We are meeting with the mommies from the birthing class today at 1. If Grady gets up in time, we may also try another jog with the jogging stroller this morning.
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