Friday, July 13, 2012

Beach vacation

Grady was off school last week for a summer holiday, so we decided to take advantage by heading to the beach!  I was worried that Grady had psyched himself up for it too much - he could not stop talking about it - and that he would be disappointed when we got there.  I didn't need to worry.  He LOVED the beach.  Absolutely loved it.  From just about the second we got there he started telling us that he "don't want to get in the car and go back home!"

We had one big adventure going to the Oregon Coast Aquarium.  It's a great aquarium - manageable size, largely outdoors - perfect for a preschooler.  

Demonstrating Grady's anti-Daddy phase

What's the seal doing?

Tunnel of sharks

Here's Grady showing the seal how to splash -

We had a few other small trips.  We took a morning trip to Yaquina light house and its tidal pools. We saw sea lions, starfish, and almost fell down several times on the huge rocks that littered the beach.


We also went to downtown Newport for some ice cream and the farmers market.  But for the most part, Grady was content to play with his toys in the sand.  (Daddy is getting on making that sandbox for him in the backyard!)

Clara wasn't quite as big a fan of the beach - it was low 60s and very windy most of the time we were there, and she's not quite up to braving the elements yet.  But luckily Clara has been napping pretty well during the day, so Grady was able to get out with Matt and play while Clara and I hung out at home.  I even managed to read one of my 57 backlogged New Yorkers.  (Unfortunately I don't think that's an exaggeration and may in fact be a low ball number.)

Despite Grady's protestations, eventually it was time to go home.  We were all pretty sad to leave, but it was a really wonderful, relaxing family adventure.  The signs of a great trip -

Aftermath of Grady's bath

Heading home
Clara has been brimming with milestones over here.  The big one is that she is now rolling from back to front.

I feel safe saying that she is now completely over her colic.  She is such a joyful, smiley baby.  She loves to flirt, especially with her brother, and she loves being kissed on the corner of her mouth.

Modeling the sweater I finally finished for her, which is now too small!

We have also rediscovered some of Grady's bigger toys, which have been hiding away in the garage.  I'm not sure who is more excited about them - Grady or Clara!  (Or, frankly, me for the few moments of distraction it grants me!)

Reintroduction of the Circle of Neglect
Jamming on the music table while sitting on a container of marbles
A few other odds and ends from the past few weeks -

I forgot to mention on the last post that Grady graduated from his daycare's infant house to its preschool house.  That means he's now in a bigger group of kids and is among the youngest.  He seems to be handling it well, although he is definitely pretty wiped out by the end of the day.  He has been really fighting bedtime nonetheless, and we have moved his bedtime back from 7 to 7:45 or so. He's getting so big!  Even using the big boy swing at the playground!

A cute picture of Grady and Rose from a playdate yesterday - we will be showing this one on their wedding reel I'm sure -

And the weather has officially turned gorgeous in Portland - 80s and sunny for the past week.  Today we enjoyed the sunny weather by setting up the splash pool in the backyard.  Joy!


Clara contentedly played in the shade.

Until big brother came along - what the what?

I think that pretty much brings everyone up to date!  Loving the summer!

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