My friend Alyssa, a former co-worker of mine from Orrick, came in for the weekend. She had been promising to come out since I moved, and it was great to finally get her out here. Next time she comes, we'll have to plan for more time because I feel like she just got here and she's already gone!
From my and Matt's perspective, we had an action-packed weekend, but we didn't actually do that much. It's just more than we usually do with a newborn I guess! On Friday we mostly hung out, ate pizza, and watched a very funny comedian on Netflix - Jim Gaffigan. Alyssa is training for a relay race in Utah in a few weeks, so on Saturday we did her longest run ever of 100 minutes and my longest run since pre-baby. We were both tired by the end, but it was fun to run some distance and to catch up with Alyssa.
Our big adventure trip on Saturday was to go out to a winery nearby called Quailhurst. The wine was okay, but we unwittingly stumbled on one of their quarterly events - they had tons of cheese and brownies out, and a random equestrian ironically drinking a beer. It was odd, and even odder in retrospect! Grady got his first brush with a horse.
I guess Grady gets his fear of horses from me. Alyssa seemed totally at home with him though!
And although the wine wasn't anything to blog about, the view was beautiful, even on a hazy day.
This view is pretty nice too.
We were all pretty tired out from our adventures, so we stayed in for dinner. Matt grilled some salmon for dinner and did a great job of it!
Today we just walked around Sellwood and went to Papa Haydn for lunch. I love that place because they have so many desserts they alphabetize them! That is my kind of place!
In other news, Grady has really turned a corner on sleeping. Two nights in a row now he has slept through the night to 5:30, and then gone back to sleep for several more hours after that. We have also started getting him to nap in his crib, and he is adjusting to that nicely. I feel like I never see him now, though!
This post is already kind of long, but I'm going to throw in this cute picture of my two favorite boys. They were both sitting in the exact some position without even realizing it.

And these two pictures of our other little troublemaker: