Grady and I met with Jada and Rose yesterday for another walk in Forest Park. He and Rose both chose to sleep through most of it, although Grady woke up absolutely FAMISHED as soon as we finished the walk. I have never heard him scream so loud! Order was restored, and he is fine now. It's really nice having these walks and speaking to another new mom. For his date outfit this time, we went with his "I'm in charge" rhino footie. I need to remember to buy one of those tuxedo onesies for him - I don't want Rose thinking he's all casual, all the time.

I gave Grady a bath this morning because he somehow woke up with his face absolutely covered in milk. I've been experimenting with feeding him with the lights off at night - I guess that needs some more work. The pictures don't really capture it -
milk mustache
mo-oom, quit it!
After his bath, I took Grady to the store to get a few things. I guess his hair wasn't quite dry when I put his hat on, because he has a pretty hilarious case of hat head here. This comes with no additional styling from me.

One bit of exciting news - Grady said the word "apple" today. I know it's a little early - I wasn't expecting him to start speaking for another week or two. The really amazing part is I don't think I've ever even said the word apple to him! He must have read it somewhere. I don't have that on tape, unfortunately.
Speaking of tape, I have to share this video of Besa. I know the video camera was intended for Grady, and those who aren't interested in funny cat videos need not watch - but I thought at least Martha would get a kick out of this.
wow, a natural faux hawk! That is a stylish child you have. And my favorite part of that video is hearing you laugh :)