And this.

You'll notice that Besa has made herself pretty comfortable on Grady's newborn lounger. Fuzz has also taken quite a fancy to Grady's seat.

Even tummy time was kind of a bust today. Matt and I were showing off to each other how well we could each lift our heads, and while we were doing this we missed Grady turning his head from one side to the other! (p.s. Matt and I are both excellent at holding our heads up.)
Grady has been doing a lot of smiling today. Here is one shot of his smile - I wish I could capture his big gummy smile, but I haven't been quick enough with the camera.

Finally, here is a shot of Grady in the last of his handmade knitwear, other than some socks that he still needs to grow into. The sweater is huge on him, but I think he looks pretty cozy.

Hopefully I'll get some motivation this week and have a more interesting blog entry to follow!
Updated: Here is a video catching some of Grady's smiles - should have thought of that earlier!
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