zenning out with daddy

And he's definitely looking a little chubby, even without the horizontal stripes!

Despite Grady's crankiness, we met up with Rose and Jada today for a walk up to Pittock Mansion in Forest Park. When it's nice out, the view must be amazing, but the two times I've gone it has been too cloudy to see much. As always, it was really wonderful to spend a few hours with another mom going through the same things that I am. Here's Grady on his way out to meet Rose.

And here we all are relaxing before the walk.

We had Grady sleep in the nursery for the first time last night. I felt a little sad not having him in the room with us, but he seemed totally unphased by it. We definitely slept better without the little noisemaker's sleep grunts!
Haha, the kitties seem to have fully adjusted to little Grady's presence now! Are they staying with him in the nursery? :-)