Grady and I had a nice day today. I decked him out in his first Red Sox t-shirt, courtesy of my friend Donna.

I love this picture because you can really see Grady's little belly. I failed to mention yesterday that Grady had a weigh-in at the hospital of 10 pounds even! He was wearing his diaper and his little hospital gown, so he's a little lighter than that, but even still - he's gained a lot of weight! I think this comparison shot shows how much he's grown pretty well - look especially in his legs.

one day old

26 days old
Grady has been smiling more and more. He hasn't quite gotten to social smiling yet, but I think he has gotten to social tongue-sticking-out (I'm not sure which side of the family he gets that from). It may be a coincidence, but it has happened several times now. Here's a shot of Grady's smile.

When my dad was here, he mentioned that they had a "Community Demonstration Project" on 9th Avenue a few miles east of us, where several houses set up displays and gardens and other things for public enjoyment. Grady and I decided to venture out that way today and see what all the fuss was about. It was a really nice walk, and a pretty cool little corner of Portland. The picture may be too small to see the explanation here, but one of the "demonstrations" was a little tea stop. Whoever wanted could stop at the corner, have a mug of tea, and then continue on.

Of course, I didn't drink any. You never know what those hippies are going to put in that water....
I was pretty excited today to go on my first "run" since December! I only jogged for about 20 minutes, but I felt much better than I was expecting. It felt good to be back out there, even if I felt like I was crawling.
Tomorrow is Grady's third date with Rose! And the day after Grady turns one month old! Can you believe it?? I don't know where the time has gone.
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