Friday, January 21, 2011

Clap clap clap

Grady had a couple of big firsts this past week.  Last weekend, he pulled himself up for the first time.  This video is his second attempt.

He's gotten speedier since then.  Here's a faster go at one of his boxes.

He tries to pull up on anything and everything.   Boxes, my legs, the cats, Matt's guitar - nothing is off-limits!

Grady also started clapping for the first time today.  We've been trying to teach him to wave bye, but he started with clapping instead.  (Probably from all our "BESA!  No!"s while clapping at her.) 

Grady really loves to play with the cats.  Here he found my tape measurer I use for knitting and started spinning it around for Bes.  He laughed whenever she jumped after it!

Grady had his nine month appointment yesterday.  He is 29 inches and about 20.5 pounds - I left the sheet in the car and am too lazy to go out and get it so I can't tell you exactly.  He's stayed consistent with height at around the 70th percentile and shot up in weight to the 40-something percentile.  Anyone who witnessed the Sweet Potato Massacre of Christmas 2010 will not be surprised by the percentile jump.  (Nor will those who have seen him in his speedo at swimming lately!)  He had his last Hepatitus immunization and his second flu shot.  He has a slight fever tonight, which I'm hoping is just after-effects of the shots.  He also has three top teeth and one bottom tooth just breaking through, poor guy.   He has been a good sport, but is definitely crankier than usual.  We will all be happy when he starts feeling back to his old self again!

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