Sunday, January 9, 2011

Grady the Comedian

Grady has been cracking himself up lately - and us too.

Here he is smacking his lips while eating - I assure you, Matt and I do not do this when we eat!

He also thinks it's quite funny to make splashes in the tub.

He also loves to make alternative uses of all his new toys.  Here he is in a dragon filled with balls - I thought it would be the most fun thing ever.  What does he do?  Reaches over the side and starts "reading" a book.

He thought that was pretty funny.  Here he is again, looking pensive on the dragon.

Grady also really enjoys breaking apart his playmat.  Usually he just puts it in his mouth, but sometimes things like this happen.

Grady has been very interested in Daddy's guitar lately.  He likes to bang it like a drum, but he also likes to experiment with the strings.  The video is from my phone, so forgive the quality.

He also has really started to enjoy books.  He likes to turn the pages himself.  (And yes, he also still likes to eat them.)

Grady turned 9 months yesterday - half in, half out!  It's amazing how big he's gotten.  He is all over the place all of a sudden, usually ending up in whatever room Matt or I have stepped into for a moment, or about to put whatever it is that we don't want him touching in his mouth.  He's gotten pretty fast, although he still is doing the weird army crawl. 

We've clearly lost track of how big he's getting, as you can see by the size of his shirt here -

He was pretty humiliated.

I think his face is changing, too.  Here are a couple of close ups.

Well, one close-up was all I could get in before he wanted the camera himself.

Grady has been really experimenting with noises too.  I still think cat (or "TAT") is the only word he knows, but he has been doing lots of mamamamamamas and dadadadadadas - just not associated with his mom and dad.   He does call Grumpy Bear "mama" consistently - I'm not sure what Grumps has been teaching him.  He's gotten pretty good at repeating sounds too.  Today we got back from the store and I said "We did it!" and Grady clearly said "Didit!" 

And I'll give you one picture of what I know you're all really checking the blog for - pictures of the elusive Fuzzy.  This photo was not staged - she tucked herself in! 

She loves to play under the sheets, so my guess is she did that and then got pooped.  No one ever said she wasn't lazy!
As you've probably noticed, I have slowed down a bit on the posting.  With working 4 days now (one from home), the website, Grady, and all the usual day-to-day stuff, I haven't had as much time.  I am trying to post at least once a week still.  I hope you stick with us despite the decrease in posting.

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