I had to move the mobile further down the crib today, because he kept waking himself up from his naps and cooing at it. I thought mobiles were supposed to help kids sleep? I'm not buying that.
He has also started talking to the animal decals by his changing table. I think I heard him roar at the lion, but Matt thought he was just grunting.
I think I mentioned yesterday that Grady is getting better at his kick toy, and really likes to wind up. Here's a video of that from this morning as well.
We are still working on getting Grady better at napping in his crib. It is very hard for me, but we're going to stick with it for at least until we meet with the pediatrician next week for Grady's two month appointment. Two months! I can't believe how fast it's gone.
Grady got a fun surprise this evening from his aunt Anna Mary. She sent him a gorgeous stuffed elephant who we named Peanut, and a book called Ferdinand. Grady really seemed to enjoy it, and Ferdinand reminded me a lot of Fuzz! Unfortunately after reading it, I dropped the book on Grady's head. This is, I'm sorry to say, the second time I've dropped a book on Grady. I take full responsibility (credit?) if he decides not to become an English major like his mom. Here's a picture of him with Peanut.

In cat-related news, Besa and Fuzz have 3 pictures in our vet's cutest pet picture contest. Feel free to vote! They are numbers 34, 35, and 36.
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