Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

We were all very lucky to have Uncle Cliff and the grandparents come visit for Grady's first Thanksgiving.  Grady has been putting on quite a show - he's full of smiles for everybody, and is just generally enjoying having our family around.  Uncle Cliff left tonight, but we get some more time with the grandparents before they head back to Tucson on Sunday.

Yesterday Grady had a fun time with the boys watching some football.  He stayed happy for quite a while just hanging with the boys!  He especially liked sitting on the couch with Uncle Cliff.

Grady also had fun hanging out with his grandpa.

Okay, he might not look like he's having much fun there, but he got pretty into Goopy's glasses.

And they had a lot of fun making faces at each other.

Grady had some good cuddle time with Grandma today, too.

Doesn't he look so big in that picture?

Given that it is Thanksgiving weekend, Grady did his share of face-stuffing.  First up were Cheerios.

Given Grady's love of carbs, I was pretty sure he would be pleased with them.

Yup, pretty good.

He finished them all.

Grady also had a lot of fun playing peek-a-boo with that vest he's wearing above.  He would pull his vest up over his head, then pull it down and start laughing when we said "There's Grady!"  I tried to get it on video, but missed the moment. 

He also tried turkey, which he was not so sure of.  There was a lot of chewing and grimacing, but he did manage to swallow two small pieces.

Still no crawling from Grady, although he continues to kick and really get up high.  He's been making a lot of noises lately, adding "Nnnyah" and one "Cah" to his vocabulary in honor of Uncle Cliff.  (The "nnnyah" is usually accompanied by a very odd face, which includes nose scrunching and lip curling.)  He also was apparently waving and saying "Buh bye."  I missed that, but, even as brilliant as Grady is, I'm pretty sure that was coincidence!  Buh-bye is suspiciously close to "Besa," though, which I am convinced will be his first word.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

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