Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mmmm... cloth

We haven't introduced solids into Grady's diet yet. I should clarify - we haven't introduced edible solids into Grady's diet yet. That does not stop Grady from trying - you never know what might have milk in it!

A few weeks ago we got Grady an "exersaucer," or as my friend calls it, "the circle of neglect." The baby is supposed to balance himself on his toes while pivoting around and playing with all the highly age-appropriate, developmentally sound toys. Grady saw past all that nonsense and got down to the basics.

He never quite got the hang of it! He will like this toy, though. Or at least he'd better after the amount of time that went into getting it set up!

During bath time this morning, Grady showed a similar interest in his washcloth.

What's this? It looks tasty!

Nice mouth feel

There's an underlying something... soap?

Whatever it is, I like it!

Do you mind? I'm trying to eat here

What can I say - he's a gourmet!

Yesterday was our first day with my reduced hours at work. It went pretty well! He took two short naps, and seemed in good spirits. He took some crazy naps today, so clearly he still didn't get quite enough. We will keep working on that!

1 comment:

  1. I remember about 2.3 things from my child development class in college and I think the .3 part was something about an oral phase . . . adorable and fab description as always.
